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    The Earth's Atmosphere



    Tổng số bài gửi : 278
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    Join date : 15/01/2008
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    The Earth's Atmosphere Empty The Earth's Atmosphere

    Bài gửi by codaipm12 Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:31 pm

    Mình up cuốn The Earth's Atmosphere. Mọi người xem tham khảo: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Nội dung gồm:
    Part I Physics of the Earth’s Atmosphere
    1 The Sun and the Earth – The Solar System and the Earth’s Gravitation
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Earth’s Gravitational Force – Gravity
    1.3 Geopotential Surfaces
    1.4 Motion in the Earth’s Gravitational Field – The Law of Central Forces
    2 The Earth’s Atmosphere – Its Origin, Composition and Properties
    2.1 Introduction: Origin of the Earth’s Atmosphere
    2.2 Composition of the Atmosphere
    2.3 Properties and Variables of the Atmosphere
    2.3.1 Pressure
    2.3.2 Temperature
    2.3.3 Density
    2.3.4 Other Variables of the Atmosphere
    2.3.5 Observing the Atmosphere
    2.4 Gas Laws – Equations of State
    2.4.1 The Equation of State – General
    2.4.2 The Equation of State of an Ideal Gas
    2.4.3 The Equation of State of aMixture of Gases
    2.4.4 The Equation of State of a Real Gas
    3 Heat and Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere
    3.1 Introduction. The Nature of Heat and Kinetic Theory
    3.2 The First Law of Thermodynamics
    3.3 Specific Heats of Gases
    3.4 Adiabatic Changes in the Atmosphere
    3.4.1 Adiabatic Relationship Between Pressure, Temperature and Volume
    3.4.2 Potential Temperature
    3.4.3 Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate of Temperature with Height
    3.4.4 Static Stability of Dry Air – Buoyancy Oscillations
    3.4.5 Adiabatic Propagation of Sound Waves
    3.5 The Concept of Entropy
    3.6 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
    3.6.1 Carnot Engine
    3.6.2 Statement of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
    3.7 Thermodynamic Equilibrium of Systems: Thermodynamic Potentials
    3.7.1 Free Energy or Helmholtz Potential
    3.7.2 Free Enthalpy, or Gibbs’ Potential, or Gibbs Free Energy
    3.8 The Third Law of Thermodynamics
    3.9 The Atmosphere as a Heat Engine
    4 Water Vapour in the Atmosphere: Thermodynamics of Moist Air
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Humidity of the Air – Definitions
    4.3 Density ofMoist Air – Virtual Temperature
    4.4 Measurement of Humidity – Hygrometers/Psychrometers
    4.5 Ascent of Moist Air in the Atmosphere – Pseudo-Adiabatic Process
    4.6 Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate of Temperature
    4.7 Equivalent Potential Temperature
    4.8 Variation of Saturation Vapour Pressure with Temperature
    4.8.1 The Clausius-Clapeyron Equation
    4.8.2 Melting Point of Ice – Variation with Pressure
    4.9 Co-existence of the Three Phases of Water – the Triple Point
    4.10 Stability of Moist Air
    4.10.1 Thermodynamic Diagrams
    5 Physics of Cloud and Precipitation
    5.1 Introduction – Historical Perspective
    5.2 Cloud-Making in the Laboratory – Condensation Nuclei
    5.3 Atmospheric Nuclei – Cloud Formation in the Atmosphere
    5.4 Drop-Size Distribution in Clouds
    5.5 Rate of Fall of Cloud and Rain Drops
    5.6 Supercooled Clouds and Ice-Particles – Sublimation
    5.7 Clouds in the Sky: Types and Classification
    5.8 From Cloud to Rain
    5.8.1 Hydrodynamical Attraction
    5.8.2 Electrical Attraction
    5.8.3 Collision Due to Turbulence
    5.8.4 Differences in Size of Cloud Particles
    5.8.5 Differences of Temperature Between Cloud Elements
    5.8.6 The Ice-Crystal Effect
    5.9 Meteorological Evidence – Rainfall from Cold and Warm Clouds
    5.9.1 Rainfall from Warm Clouds
    5.10 Climatological Rainfall Distribution over the Globe
    6 Physics of Radiation – Fundamental Laws
    6.1 Introduction – the Nature of Thermal Radiation
    6.2 Radiation and Absorption – Heat Exchanges
    6.2.1 Conduction
    6.2.2 Convection
    6.2.3 Radiation
    6.3 Properties of Radiation
    6.4 Laws of Radiation – Emission and Absorption
    6.4.1 Kirchhoff’s Law
    6.4.2 Laws of Black Body and Gray Radiation
    6.4.3 Stefan-Boltzmann Law
    6.4.4 Wien’s Displacement Law
    6.4.5 Planck’s Law of Black Body Radiation
    6.4.6 Derivation of Wien’s Law and Stefan-Boltzmann Law from Planck’s Law
    6.5 Spectral Distribution of Radiant Energy
    6.6 Some Practical Uses of Electromagnetic Radiation
    7 The Sun and its Radiation
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Physical Characteristics of the Sun
    7.3 Structure of the Sun – its Interior
    7.3.1 The Core – Nuclear Reactions
    7.3.2 The Radiative Layer
    7.3.3 The Convective Layer
    7.4 The Photosphere
    7.4.1 Sunspots
    7.5 The Solar Atmosphere
    7.5.1 The Reversing Layer
    7.5.2 The Chromosphere
    7.5.3 The Corona
    7.6 The SolarWind
    7.7 The Search for Neutrinos
    8 The Incoming Solar Radiation – Interaction with the Earth’s Atmosphere and
    8.1 Introduction – the Solar Spectrum
    8.2 Interactions with the Upper Atmosphere (Above 80 km)
    xii Contents
    8.2.1 Interaction with the Solar Wind: Polar Auroras
    and Magnetic Storms
    8.2.2 Interaction with the Solar Ultraviolet Radiation
    8.3 The Mesosphere (50–80 km Layer)
    8.4 Interaction with Ozone: the Ozonosphere (20–50 km)
    8.4.1 Formation of Ozone
    8.4.2 Destruction of Ozone: the Ozone Hole
    8.4.3 Warming of the Stratosphere
    8.4.4 Latitudinal and Seasonal Variation of Ozone
    8.4.5 Ozone and Weather
    8.5 Scattering, Reflection and Absorption of Solar Radiation in the Atmosphere
    8.5.1 Scattering and Reflection
    8.5.2 Atmospheric Absorption
    8.6 Incoming Solar Radiation (Insolation) at the Earth’s Surface .
    8.6.1 The Solar Constant
    8.6.2 The Transparency of the Atmosphere – Effects of Clouds and Aerosols
    8.6.3 Distribution of Solar Radiation with Latitude – The Seasonal Cycle
    8.6.4 Seasonal and Latitudinal Variations of Surface Temperature
    8.6.5 Diurnal Variation of Radiation with Clear and Cloudy Skies
    8.7 Reflection of Solar Radiation at the Earth’s Surface – The Albedo
    9 Heat Balance of the Earth’s Surface – Upward and Downward Transfer of Heat
    9.1 Introduction: General Considerations
    9.2 Heat Balance on a Planet Without an Atmosphere
    9.3 Heat Balance on a Planet with an Atmosphere: The Greenhouse Effect
    9.3.1 The Greenhouse Effect
    9.4 Vertical Transfer of Radiative Heating – Diurnal Temperature Wave
    9.5 Sensible Heat Flux
    9.5.1 Vertical Transfer of Sensible Heat into the Atmosphere
    9.6 Evaporation and Evaporative Heat Flux from a Surface
    9.6.1 Bowen’s Ratio
    9.6.2 Evaporative Cooling
    9.7 Exchange of Heat Between the Earth’s Surface and the Underground Soil
    9.7.1 Amplitude and Range
    9.7.2 Time Lag
    9.7.3 Velocity
    9.7.4 Wavelength
    9.7.5 DiurnalWave
    9.7.6 Annual Wave
    9.8 Radiative Heat Flux into the Ocean
    9.8.1 General Properties of Ocean Water
    9.8.2 Optical Properties of Ocean Water – Reflection and Refraction
    9.8.3 Absorption and Downward Penetration of Solar Radiation in the Ocean
    9.8.4 Vertical Distribution of Temperature in the Ocean
    9.9 The Thermohaline Circulation – Buoyancy Flux
    9.10 Photosynthesis in the Ocean: Chemical and Biological Processes
    10 Heat Balance of the Earth-Atmosphere System – Heat Sources and Sinks
    10.1 Introduction – definition of heat sources and sinks
    10.2 Physical Processes Involved in Heat Balance
    10.3 Simpson’s Computation of Heat Budget
    10.4 Heat Balance from Satellite Radiation Data
    10.5 Heat Sources and Sinks from the Energy Balance Equation
    10.6 Computation of Atmospheric Heating from Mass Continuity Equation
    Part II Dynamics of the Earth’s
    Atmosphere – The General Circulation

    11 Winds on a Rotating Earth – The Dynamical Equations and the Conservation
    11.1 Introduction
    11.2 Forces Acting on a Parcel of Air
    11.2.1 Pressure Gradient Force
    11.2.2 Gravity Force
    11.2.3 Force of Friction or Viscosity
    11.3 Acceleration of Absolute Motion
    11.4 Acceleration of Relative Motion
    11.4.1 Coriolis Force
    11.5 The Equations of Motion in a Rectangular Co-ordinate System
    11.6 A System of Generalized Vertical Co-ordinates
    11.7 The Equations of Motion in Spherical Co-ordinate System
    11.8 The Equation of Continuity
    11.9 The Thermodynamic Energy Equation
    11.10 Scale Analysis and Simplification of the Equations of Motion
    11.10.1 The Geostrophic Approximation and the Geostrophic Wind
    11.10.2 Scale Analysis of the Vertical Momentum Equation
    12 Simplified Equations of Motion – Quasi-Balanced Winds
    12.1 Introduction
    12.2 The Basic Equations in Isobaric Co-ordinates
    12.2.1 Horizontal Momentum Equations
    12.2.2 The Continuity Equation
    12.2.3 The Thermodynamic Energy Equation
    12.3 Balanced Flow in Natural Co-ordinates
    12.3.1 Velocity and Acceleration in Natural Co-ordinate System
    12.3.2 The GradientWind
    12.3.3 The Geostrophic Wind
    12.3.4 Relationship Between the Geostrophic Wind and the GradientWind
    12.3.5 InertialMotion
    12.3.6 Cyclostrophic Motion
    12.4 Trajectories and Streamlines
    12.5 Streamline-Isotach Analysis
    12.6 Variation ofWind with Height – The ThermalWind
    13 Circulation, Vorticity and Divergence
    13.1 Definitions and Concepts – Circulation and Vorticity
    13.2 The Circulation Theorem
    13.3 Absolute and Relative Vorticity
    13.4 Vorticity and Divergence in Natural Co-ordinates
    13.5 Potential Vorticity
    13.6 The Vorticity Equation in Frictionless Adiabatic Flow
    13.7 The Vorticity Equation fromthe Equations ofMotion
    13.7.1 Vorticity Equation in Cartesian Co-ordinates (x, y, z)
    13.7.2 The Vorticity Equation in Isobaric Co-ordinates
    13.8 Circulation and Vorticity in the Real Atmosphere (In Three Dimensions)
    13.9 Vertical Motion in the Atmosphere
    13.9.1 The kinematicMethod
    13.9.2 The AdiabaticMethod
    13.9.3 The VorticityMethod
    13.10 Differential Properties of a Wind Field
    13.10.1 Translation, (u0,v0)
    13.10.2 Divergence, Expansion (D)
    13.10.3 Deformation
    13.10.4 Rotation
    13.11 Types of Wind Fields – Graphical Representation
    14 The Boundary Layers of the Atmosphere and the Ocean
    14.1 Introduction
    14.2 The Equations of Turbulent Motion in the Atmosphere
    14.3 The Mixing-Length Hypothesis – Exchange Co-efficients
    14.4 The Vertical Structure of the Frictionally-Controlled Boundary Layer
    14.4.1 The Surface Layer
    14.4.2 The Ekman or Transition Layer
    14.5 The Secondary Circulation – The Spin-Down Effect
    14.5.1 The Nocturnal Jet
    14.5.2 Turbulent Diffusion and Dispersion in the Atmosphere
    14.6 The Boundary Layer of the Ocean – Ekman Drift and Mass Transport
    14.7 Ekman Pumping and Coastal Upwelling in the Ocean
    15 Waves and Oscillations in the Atmosphere and the Ocean
    15.1 Introduction
    15.2 The Simple Pendulum
    15.3 Representation ofWaves by Fourier Series
    15.4 Dispersion ofWaves and Group Velocity

    15.5 The Perturbation Technique
    15.6 Simple Wave Types
    15.7 Internal Gravity (or Buoyancy) Waves in the Atmosphere
    15.7.1 Internal Gravity (Buoyancy) Waves – General Considerations
    15.7.2 Mountain Lee Waves
    15.8 Dynamics of Shallow Water Gravity Waves
    15.8.1 The Adjustment Problem – Shallow Water Equations in a Rotating Frame
    15.8.2 The Steady-State Solution: Geostrophic Adjustment
    15.8.3 Energy Transformations
    15.8.4 Transient Oscillations – Poicar´eWaves
    15.8.5 Importance of the Rossby Radius of Deformation
    16 Equatorial Waves and Oscillations
    16.1 Introduction
    16.2 The Governing Equations in Log-Pressure Co-ordinate System
    16.2.1 The Horizontal Momentum Equations
    16.2.2 The Hydrostatic Equation
    16.2.3 The Continuity Equation
    16.2.4 The Thermodynamic Energy Equation
    16.3 The KelvinWave
    16.4 TheMixed Rossby-GravityWave
    16.5 Observational Evidence
    16.6 The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO)
    16.7 The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO)
    16.8 El Ni˜no-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
    16.8.1 Introduction
    16.8.2 El Ni˜no/La Ni˜na
    16.8.3 Southern Oscillation (SO)
    16.8.4 TheWalker Circulation – ENSO
    16.8.5 Evidence of Walker Circulation in Global Data
    16.8.6 Mechanism of ENSO?
    17 Dynamical Models and Numerical Weather Prediction (N.W.P.)
    17.1 Introduction – Historical Background
    17.2 The Filtering of Sound and Gravity Waves
    17.3 Quasi-Geostrophic Models
    17.4 Nondivergent Models
    17.5 Hierarchy of Simplified Models
    17.5.1 One-Parameter Barotropic Model
    17.5.2 A Two-Parameter Baroclinic Model
    17.6 Primitive Equation Models
    17.6.1 PE Model in Sigma Co-ordinates
    17.6.2 A Two-Level Primitive Equation Model
    17.6.3 Computational Procedure
    17.7 Present Status of NWP
    18 Dynamical Instability of Atmospheric Flows – Energetics and
    Energy Conversions
    18.1 Introduction
    18.2 Inertial Instability
    18.3 Baroclinic Instability
    18.3.1 The Model
    18.3.2 Special Cases of Baroclinic Instability
    18.3.3 The Stability Criterion – Neutral Curve
    18.4 VerticalMotion in Baroclinically UnstableWaves
    18.5 Energetics and Energy Conversions in Baroclinic Instability
    18.5.1 Definitions
    18.5.2 Energy Equations for the Two-Level Quasi-Geostrophic Model
    18.6 Barotropic Instability
    18.7 Conditional Instability of the Second Kind (CISK)
    19 The General Circulation of the Atmosphere
    19.1 Introduction – Historical Background
    19.2 Zonally-Averaged Mean Temperature and Wind Fields Over the Globe
    19.2.1 Longitudinally-Averaged Mean Temperature and Wind Fields in Vertical
    19.2.2 Idealized Pressure and Wind Fields at Surface Over the Globe in the
    Three-Cell Model
    19.3 Observed Distributions of Mean Winds and Circulations Over the Globe
    19.4 Maintenance of the Kinetic Energy and Angular Momentum
    19.4.1 The Kinetic Energy Balance of the Atmosphere
    19.4.2 The Angular Momentum Balance – Maintenance
    of the Zonal Circulation
    19.5 Eddy-Transports
    19.5.1 Eddy Flux of Sensible Heat
    19.5.2 Eddy-Flux of Angular Momentum
    19.5.3 Eddy-Flux of Water Vapour
    19.5.4 Vertical Eddy-Transports
    19.6 Laboratory Simulation of the General Circulation
    19.7 Numerical Experiment on the General Circulation
    Appendix-1(A) Vector Analysis-Some Important Vector Relations
    1.1 The Concept of a Vector
    1.2 Addition and Subtraction of Vectors: Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar

    1.3 Multiplication of Vectors
    1.4 Differentiation of Vectors: Application to the Theory of Space Curves
    1.5 Space Derivative of a Scalar Quantity. The Concept of a Gradient Vector
    1.6 Del Operator,
    1.7 Use of Del Operator in Different Co-ordinate Systems
    1.7.1 Cartesian Co-ordinates (x,y,z)
    1.7.2 Spherical Co-ordinates (λ, φ, r)
    Appendix-1(B) Motion Under Earth’s Gravitational Force
    Appendix-2 Adiabatic Propagation of Sound Waves
    Appendix-3 Some Selected Thermodynamic Diagrams
    Appendix-4 Derivation of the Equation for Saturation Vapour Pressure
    Curve Taking into Account the Temperature Dependence of the Specific Heats
    (After Joos, 1967)
    Appendix-5 Theoretical Derivation of Kelvin’s Vapour Pressure Relation for
    Appendix-6 Values of Thermal Conductivity Constants for a Few
    Materials, Drawn from Sources, Including ‘International
    Critical Tables’(1927), ‘Smithsonian Physical Tables’ (1934), ‘Landholt-Bornstein’
    (1923–1936), McAdams’ (1942) and others
    Appendix-7 Physical Units and Dimensions
    Appendix-8 Some Useful Physical Constants and Parameters
    Author Index
    Subject Index


    Tổng số bài gửi : 85
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    Join date : 18/01/2008
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    The Earth's Atmosphere Empty Re: The Earth's Atmosphere

    Bài gửi by namthinh2007 Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:20 pm

    woa, cuốn sách này hoành tráng wa mà không biết nội dung thế nào đây?Đọc xong chắc trình độ av của mình lên pro quá...Cố gắng phát huy cộng việc up sách lên nhe Oanh.


    Tổng số bài gửi : 278
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    The Earth's Atmosphere Empty Re: The Earth's Atmosphere

    Bài gửi by codaipm12 Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:04 pm

    sách có nhìu mà làm biếng up lắm.


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    The Earth's Atmosphere Empty Re: The Earth's Atmosphere

    Bài gửi by giohungyen Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:05 pm

    các anh chi ơi giúp em với
    từ Parcel trong khí tượng có nghĩa là gì nhỉ

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